RoboFab: Mastering the Art of Humanoid Robotics

Discover RoboFab, the world’s first humanoid robot factory, and its prime product, Digit – designed to transform the future of the workforce.

In the heart of Salem, Oregon, preparations are in full swing for the launch of RoboFab, a pioneer of a manufacturing facility by parent company, Agility Robotics. This isn’t your typical factory – RoboFab is set to become the world’s first factory dedicated solely to the production of humanoid robots.

Overview of RoboFab

Through its unique capability, RoboFab vaults us into the future where production of humanoid robots isn’t just a concept, but a dynamic reality. Once operational, it will have the capacity to create an impressive 10,000 robots annually, signifying a significant leap in robotics craftsmanship.

The blueprint for these robots isn’t traditional either. RoboFab will employ advanced automation and assembly techniques to manufacture Agility Robotics’ flagship product, a humanoid robot aptly named ‘Digit’.

Highlighting Digit

Digit, the epitome of cutting-edge robotics, possesses the capability to execute a wide array of tasks. It can carry boxes, open doors, and even climb stairs. Basically, it’s designed to mimic human actions to a large extent, therefore integrating with human operations on various fronts.

Agility Robotics doesn’t envision Digit as just any machine. They envision it as a technological co-worker, created to work alongside humans across different settings. Placing emphasis on adaptability, Agility Robotics is banking on Digit’s potential to collaborate efficiently with humans, contributing its part in various situational contexts.

Addressing Workforce Issues

Agility Robotics’ CEO has consistently voiced how Digit could be the solution to prevalent labor issues. By performing tasks that are often linked with workforce injuries, burnout, high turnover rates, and labor gaps, Digit could redefine job roles and industry standards.

The versatility of Digit extends across sectors including logistics, construction, entertainment, and healthcare. Its capability to perform numerous tasks allows for its implementation in a myriad of scenarios, making it a multi-industry gamechanger.

Digit is set for public release in 2025, a leap forward that surely amplifies the anticipation. However, members of the Agility Partner Program get to be ahead of the curve, with early access starting in 2024.

Despite Digit’s potential, it’s impossible to overlook public apprehensions regarding humanoid robots. Concerns ranging from ethical implications to potential safety risks have been expressed. RoboFab and Agility Robotics are cognizant of these concerns and are building responses to address these issues.


RoboFab and its progeny, Digit, represent a new horizon in blue-collar work, merging technology’s potential with our everyday lives. As we eagerly anticipate the public unveiling of Digit, we can only wonder at the scale of change that this Agile humanoid will usher into our world.


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